Medicaid Abortions
The Michigan Legislature is facing Governor Milliken's 11th veto of a measure to
restrict public funding of abortions. Two-thirds majorities are needed in both chambers to
override the governor.
Permit a pertinent digression.
President Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Abraham Lincoln in the White House, opposed
slavery more than 100 years ago for what we today might consider morally oblique reasons.
It wasn't that he minded the wrong done to blacks. He was concerned that slavery bred
unwholesome class distinctions among whites by creating privileges for the rich. Mr.
Johnson once "wish[ed] to God [that] every head of a family in the United States had
one slave to take the drudgery and menial service off his family."
If the principle of "equal protection under the laws" were applied to slavery
as the pro-choicers apply it to the issue of Medicaid abortions today, Andrew Johnson
might have gotten his wish. We can almost hear the congressmen of that day declaiming on
their "personal" opposition to human bondage, but voting for slavery subsidies
because "if the rich can have them, the poor should have access to them, too."
Before the spiritual descendants of Andrew Johnson cast their vote with the governor,
they might consider the practical effects of continued funding for abortions. The moral
issue involved can be set aside for the moment.
Since Congress restricted federal funding, there has been virtually no drop-off in the
number of abortions obtained. Indeed, with the most permissive abortion law outside of he
Communist bloc, the United States has experienced steady increases in the number of
abortions performed. Thus, the argument that poor women need subsidies to obtain abortions
is a weak one.
Too, there is evidence that "free" abortions are becoming the contraceptive
of first resort for some poor women. Only those avant-garde moralists who describe all
fetal life as "tissue" can be comfortable with the idea that women are choosing
multiple abortions over easily obtainable contraceptive devices.
Opposition to abortion, despite all the carefully timed polling data, is widespread and
deeply ingrained. It is at least as well-organized as the abolitionist movement of a
century ago, and it has more grass-roots support. (Historians say committed abolitionists
constituted a tiny minority of the population.) By continuing to fight for abortion
funding in state Legislatures and in Congress, the pro-choice lobby is taking its stand on
very shaky ground. Even the most purposeful polling services have been unable to devise
questions that show a majority of Americans in support of public funding for abortions. If
anything, the funding issue has exacerbated tensions and resentments. Lawmakers who wish
the whole abortion controversy would go away know this. That's why a majority in Lansing
has voted 11 times to restrict funding.
Why, indeed, does the pro-choice lobby insist on state funding? Wouldn't it be wiser
simply to take a stand, with the 1973 Supreme court, for legalized abortions?
Well, it's not as simple as that. Pro-abortionists, who are the shock troops of the
pro-choice movement, want the official sanction that only state funding provides. They
fear that if pro-life forces win on funding and step up their educational efforts, they
may increase further the grave doubts of the larger populace.
More and more people might begin to question whether a six-month-old fetus is all that
different than a six-month-old baby born prematurely. They might wonder if the highest
abortion rate in the West is a distinction the United States really wants. They might
ponder the ironies of a medical practice that on the one hand performs life-saving
operations on fetuses and on the other rips them out and throws them away like garbage.
They might grow squeamish as scientists tell them more and more about the nature of fetal
life -- its capacity to feel excruciating pain, for example.
Those lawmakers in Lansing who believe, along with the militant pro-abortionists, that
the fetus is merely "tissue," of no more positive consequence than a tumor, will
have no trouble voting to sustain the governor's veto.
We here address those legislators who question this notion, but who solve the ethical
problem by telling themselves they are voting for equal protection for the poor.
"Equal protection" in this instance is a canard.
Vote to override.
[This editorial is reprinted with the permission of the Detroit