The essence of libertarianism is not the right to do whatever we choose. Instead, it's the
negative right to be free from aggression — the initiation of force or fraud.
To be more exact, the essence is the negative obligation not to aggress.
Non-aggression and non-endangerment
The non-aggression principle has an immediate
consequence. Just as we may not initiate force, so we may not endanger the innocent
without their consent.
So, basic to libertarianism is the
non-endangerment principle. Non-endangerment, also a negative obligation, is implicit in
In one sense, endangerment is not, in itself,
an initiation of force, but endangerment might turn to harm, by definition. The right of
defense doesn't require people to wait until they get bashed before they may defend
If we set fire to our field, our neighbor's
field won't burn unless the fire reaches it. Yet we have set in motion a process that will
initiate force against them, unless someone or something (rain, say) intervenes to stop
it. Nobody has a right to endanger innocent persons without their consent, and our
neighbors have no obligation to let us endanger them without their consent.
You endanger them — you protect them
Having set the fire, we immediately incur a positive
obligation to our neighbors to prevent actual harm — we must protect their property
from our fire. And if their property gets burned — whether because our efforts
have failed, or because of our negligence — then we have initiated force, and we owe
them compensation. Failure to pay a debt is itself aggression.
If we endanger the innocent without their
consent, we have no right to let them get harmed. For if the harm happens, we not only
caused the danger, we caused the harm and initiated force. We have no right to initiate
force, because the obligation not to aggress is not optional.
Therefore, also implicit in non-aggression is
the protection principle: if you endanger people, then you owe them protection from the
harm. The protection principle is a vital point, but it is being overlooked by
proponents on both sides of abortion.
Parental obligation: a protection obligation
Non-endangerment forms the foundation of
parental obligation (both before and after birth). Causing children to be is not
aggression, but it does put children in harm's way, for to be helpless and dependent is to
be in harm's way. Parental obligation doesn't arise because the parents have harmed their
child. Rather, it arises because of the general obligation not to endanger anyone without
their consent, and if we do, to ward off actual harm.
Conceiving a child and getting pregnant are
generally voluntary for both parents. Although pregnancy is not voluntary for the mother
in pregnancy due to rape, the mother is still bound by the non-aggression principle. (See
"Abortion in the Case of Pregnancy Due to Rape," by John Walker, available from
LFL for $1.)
However, the situation is never
voluntary for the child. By the very act of conception, parents voluntarily acquire a
life-or-death control over their child; the child is like a captive. To be a captive is to
be unable to fend for oneself and, thus, to be in need of protection from harm.
Pregnancy is automatically protective to the
child. Termination of pregnancy terminates the protection and gravely endangers the child.
But not wanting to be a parent doesn't excuse us from the obligation to protect the
children we cause to exist. The right to choose doesn't exempt anyone from the
non-aggression obligation.
The point of abortion is to kill the child, and
most abortions dismember and/or poison the child. But some abortion choicers frame
abortion as merely termination of the pregnancy; if a child dies because she can't survive
being evicted into the hostile environment outside, that's tough, they say. Still,
eviction is clearly gross negligence, and if it results in harm, all who participated in
the eviction caused the harm and violated the non-aggression principle.
The first question in abortion is, of course,
personhood. Since prenatal children are persons, we have the same obligation to them that
we have to adults: not to aggress against them. Given prenatal personhood and the
you-endanger-them/you-protect-them obligation, the abortion-choice case evaporates.
Prenatal children have both the right not to be killed — and the right to be in the
mother's womb.