An argument frequently used to defend keeping abortion legal is that banning abortion will
necessarily lead to severe invasions of personal liberty -- that there will be, for
example, "pregnancy police". One important example of this line of reasoning,
from a libertarian perspective, is presented by Dr. Tibor R. Machan in "Fetal Rights:
The Implication of a Supposed Ought". There, he presents the following argument:
- If unborn children "have a serious right to
life, then miscarriages or spontaneous abortions must become subjects of extensive and
constant police scrutiny".
- This "constant police scrutiny" is
impossible, because "[w]hatever ... is created at conception ... is often not known
to exist until long after conception", even to the pregnant women.
- Moreover, "[w]hat is required is public
knowledge as well as private knowledge"; for "the rights-protecting authorities
... must be able to know of the existence" of the unborn child in order to protect
its rights.
- To obtain such "public knowledge"
would require that the lives of all pregnant women be "unreasonably scrutinized by
- This "unreasonable scrutiny" would
require the establishment of "institutional arrangements" that "involve
extensive rights violations and, thus, make discovery of negligence and other criminal
conduct during pregnancy morally impossible".
- And, therefore, "the 'pro-life' position
implies a set of legal consequences that are impossible in the very society that
supposedly recognizes the rights of its citizens in all cases other than the unborn".
Although superficially appealing, this argument
is fatally flawed in numerous particulars.
Machan is correct to state that
Every state has some public policy
regarding police investigation of unexplained deaths and homicide. ... The authorities
must determine that there is no reasonable ground for suspecting murder or some other
variety of illegal killing.
Machan fails to note, however, that these
"public polic[ies]" involve investigations after, not before, deaths
occur; and that the certificate of a private physician attending the deceased prior to or
at death as to the cause thereof is almost always sufficient explanation to obviate
further official inquiry. Because many (if not most) "miscarriages or spontaneous
abortions" would be treated by private physicians who could report the deaths of the
unborn children as easily as they now report the deaths of other persons, a key factual
premise of Machan's thesis largely disappears. There is simply no experiential reason why
any large number of presumably innocent "miscarriages and spontaneous abortions must
become subjects of extensive and constant police scrutiny" beyond that already given
to deaths in most instances.
In as much as "constant police
scrutiny" of the condition of unborn persons would generally be unnecessary prior to
deaths occurring -- and then, hardly ever significantly burdensome in cases involving an
attending physician -- Machan's complaint that "constant police scrutiny" is
impossible because an unborn child "is often not known to exist until long after
conception" collapses, too.
Duty of care
No more cogent is Machan's additional concern
with the morality of imposing a duty of care on a pregnant woman innocently unaware of her
pregnancy. "[I]f someone is required to act in a particular way", warns
Machan, "it must be possible for that person to carry out the
responsibility." This is true, but irrelevant. For the law generally -- and certainly
the libertarian "pro-life" position -- holds no one responsible for the
violation of a theoretical duty the factual conditions precedent to which the putatively
responsible individual does not know through no fault of her own.
At the earliest stages of pregnancy, a pregnant
woman could have no legal duty whatsoever to the unborn child if she were unable to
ascertain her state of pregnancy because of the nonexistence of a reliable scientific
test. At later stages for which reliable tests were available, a pregnant woman would not
violate any legal duty to the unborn child by engaging in conduct resulting in harm to the
child if her failure to take a test prior to engaging in that conduct was reasonable,
as the term "reasonable" is traditionally used in tort law. If her failure were
unreasonable, and the conduct such that a reasoning individual would anticipate harm to an
unborn child from engaging in it, the woman could be found liable for negligence. If her
failure were unreasonable, the conduct foreseeably harmful to the child, and her intent in
engaging in that conduct were specifically to kill the child, the woman could be
held guilty of some variety of criminal homicide.
Analyzed in this manner, however, no anomalous
disjunction such as Machan fears between individual knowledge and individual
responsibility would arise at all. The law would exonerate all pregnant women who suffer
"miscarriages or spontaneous abortions" where they cannot know or do not
unreasonably fail to know they are pregnant. Thus, the libertarian "pro-life"
position rests on the same general standard applicable to harms occurring between
individuals after birth.
Public knowledge
Machan's assertion that "public
knowledge ... of the existence" of the unborn child is somehow strictly necessary to
protection of the child's rights in most cases is equally inaccurate. For protection of
legal rights often operates through deterrence of illegal conduct by the
wrongdoer's fear of detection and punishment after the fact. As history records, many
illegal individual abortions -- and certainly the existence of "doctors"
routinely performing such killings -- can be detected by the authorities using routine
police methods, even where they are initially ignorant of the existence of the pregnant
women involved. That ex post facto detection of illegal abortions in some cases is
possible will cause deterrence in others.
To be sure, some illegal abortions would
never be punished because they remained undiscovered, just as some murders of individuals
already born remain unknown (because the person simply disappears without a trace,
negating a finding of homicide at all), or are undefinable as "murder" (because
the possibility of a natural death or innocent homicide cannot be excluded), or go
unresolved (because of lack of evidence inculpating the perpetrator). But illegal
abortions as such would not be beyond control by the standard processes and
techniques of civil and criminal law-enforcement.
Machan's implicit point may be that the right
of an unborn child not to be killed through abortion cannot be "protected" in a
meaningful sense unless the abortion is prevented: and that that course of action is
foreclosed to the authorities without knowledge of the child's existence. This
interpretation proves too much, though. For most violations of the rights of born
children, whose existence is presumably "public knowledge" through birth
certificates and other records, are not prevented, only punished after the fact, when both
the existence of the child and the fact of the violation of his rights become meaningfully
known to the authorities simultaneously. Admittedly, the disappearance by abortion
of an unborn child the existence of which the authorities have no reason to suspect is
more difficult to uncover than the disappearance of a born child whose existence is
recorded somewhere. But the proof typically useful in an abortion-case -- such as that
woman A sought the services of a known abortionist B, that B
administered a pregnancy test that was positive, and that B then performed a
procedure calculated to kill the unborn child -- would certainly suffice for a finding of
liability or guilt, even though the authorities had no pre-existing evidence of the
existence of the unborn child so victimized, and perhaps even no evidence of his
disappearance other than that which proved the commission of the abortion-procedure.
Police state
Machan then describes a "1984-like"
system of constant surveillance of pregnant women that, he says, "one could
imagine" as a "solution" to what he posits as the problem of "public
knowledge" of the existence of an unborn child. Correctly, he denounces "[t]his
kind of 'solution'" as "conflict[ing] with the existence of the rights of
persons to not have their lives unreasonably scrutinized by authorities".
Incorrectly, though, he assumes that the horrible "solution" he imagines has
some relevance to the real world. No one, however, could [[realistically]] believe that
such a draconian system is necessary to deal with any reasonably foreseeable problem of
"miscarriages or spontaneous abortions" arising from arguably negligent behavior
by pregnant women. Certainly such a scheme was never seriously advanced as necessary --
let alone implemented -- when abortion was largely illegal throughout the United States.
Neither does it have any significant support among "pro-life" libertarians
Moreover, Machan's fantastic fear proves too
much. For "one could imagine" such a scheme of police-state surveillance
implemented in supposed protection of virtually any right. If the mere possibility
that wildly over-zealous authorities could establish what Machan describes as a
"veritable police state ... so as to uphold ordinary justice" suffices to prove
that "a law is unenforceable in principle", then probably no law is
enforceable "in principle", not just laws relating to abortion.
In sum, Machan's claim that the libertarian
"pro-life" position on the humanity of unborn children necessarily implies an
"absurd invasion of the rights of adult human individuals" is without substance.
Edwin Vieira, who helped organize the Maryland Libertarian Party, is an attorney
who practices constitutional law. For more by Dr. Vieira on Dr. Machan's views on
abortion, see also "The 'Right of Abortion': a Dogma in Search of a Rationale,"
published in 1978 by LFL ($1.50). This also comments on two other prominent
abortion-choice libertarians, Murray Rothbard and Walter Block.
Tibor R. Machan is a Distinguished
Fellow and Professor at the Leatherby Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics,
Chapman University, Orange, California, and a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution,
Stanford University, California.
"Fetal Rights: The Implication
of a Supposed Ought" appeared in Liberty magazine, pp. 51-52, July 1989 (Liberty,
P.O. Box 1167, Port Townsend, WA 98368).