Libertarianism is a political philosophy only Libertarianism does not seek to
embrace matters of the soul. It is unlike religion, secular ethical philosophies, or the
beliefs of fraternal orders or civic associations, but it is compatible with them. As a
philosophy of liberty, its concern is not with the details of how we should live our daily
lives. It is a framework for governing our relations with one another regarding our
individual rights. It is simply a prohibition against the initiation of force.
Libertarians believe that large intrusive governments do not serve the public well.
Much needs to be done to free up positive social forces all but smothered by big
government. This process would legalize many activities presently banned, but this in no
way implies an advocacy of them. Living in a society which is increasingly politicized,
this point is often difficult to grasp. People have gotten the notion that everything good
should be compulsory, and everything bad, forbidden. This attitude is counterproductive;
for example, it encourages moral lassitude. When people believe that everything which is
morally wrong should be prohibited, soon large numbers of people will conclude that
anything legal must be morally permissible.
We who are libertarians believe that human beings have the right of dominion over their
own lives. We have the inalienable right to live in any manner we choose -- so long as our
choices do not forcibly interfere with the rights of others.
A few implications of libertarianism
In the economic arena, libertarianism implies an opposition to all laws that prevent or
circumscribe our ability to buy, sell, or contract with anyone who chooses to deal with
us. We have the right to the peaceable use and disposition of all that we acquire by
non-coercive means.
This is also true where financial gain is not a factor. In the realm of social or
personal activities, we uphold the right of individuals to exercise any peaceable
behavior, including what many consider culturally outrageous and morally reprehensible. It
is for this reason that we oppose all anti-vice laws, laws without identifiable, flesh and
blood victims. These would include laws against gambling, ingesting drugs, and behavior
that may be considered sexually deviant.
Anti-vice legislation is usually thought of as a concern of conservatives. But there is
another aspect of social and/or personal freedom that liberals seek to prohibit. Legal
sanctions against this type of freedom are usually termed "social engineering."
This includes laws against discrimination as well as laws that seek to mandate
egalitarianism (e.g., the "melting pot" justification for public schooling).
Libertarians oppose all such legislative tinkering. We believe in voluntary association.
Political freedom does not permit aggression
Libertarianism is not simply a litany of liberties. Freedom without responsibility
towards others is license, not libertarianism. There is no right to rape, to steal, or to
imperil another's life by driving carelessly. Aggression against others is criminal
behavior. All libertarians concede that everyone has the right to control his or her own
body. Pro-life libertarians recognize that this right does not countenance injury to an
unborn human being.
Abortion is the ultimate aggression: homicide
Abortion isn't a vice; it's homicide. Conception begins a process of biological
development that leads to the maturing of a human being. Personhood (the state of being by
which we have rights, including the right not to be killed) is not acquired along the way.
It inheres in the human being from conception.
The claim has been made that despite the personhood of the unborn, pregnant women are
justified in evicting them from their bodies by virtue of their right to control their own
bodies. But as a matter of biology, the unborn are separate, individual human beings. They
are not a part of their mother's body, despite their dependence upon her. Furthermore,
they aren't intruders. They are brought into existence by forces outside of their control.
Their parents, however, seldom can plead this defense. Whether on purpose or out of
negligence, their actions are responsible for the creation of their unborn. And having
brought these developing human beings into existence, under principles of individual
liberty, they are responsible for their care and provision for the duration of their