About This Article
In arguing that abortion should not be
legal, pro-lifers generally focus on proving that a human being's life begins at
conception. This argument often fails to persuade, because it does not confront the right
of the woman to control her own body. Many pro-lifers talk as if they have lost the rights
argument or worse that they can never win it and they end up painting rights
as irrelevant and running away from it.
Turning this weakness on rights to their advantage, abortion choicers contemptuously attack
abortion opponents as "anti-choice" and claim that to be anti-legal-abortion is to be
Actually, however, pro-lifers own the libertarian high ground. This article, "Abortion and Rights:
Applying Libertarian Principles Correctly," shows why.
Using non-religious arguments, it shows why libertarian principles apply to human beings from
conception. Libertarianism's basic principle is the obligation not to aggress against anyone.
It follows from this obligation that the prenatal child has the right to be in the mother's
Many people are confused on abortion, because they see the child's rights as being in conflict
with the mother's rights. This article shows why no such conflict exists.
Readers' comments are invited.
Versions of this article appeared in Studies in Prolife Feminism, Volume One, Number Two,
Spring, 1995, Rachel MacNair, editor-in-chief. Feminism and Nonviolence Studies Association, Inc.,
publisher, 811 East 47th Street, Kansas City, MO 64110; and in the International Journal of
Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 19, No. 3/4, 1999, Barmarick Publications, Enholmes Hall,
Parrington, Hull East Riding of Yorkshire, England HU12 0PR.
Abortion proponents equate unwanted pregnancy with involuntary servitude and slavery, often
framing their arguments with "pro-choice" and other libertarian-sounding rights talk. After all,
libertarians support the right to control one's own body, and since 1974 the Libertarian Party's
platform has unconditionally supported abortion choice until birth.
Many libertarians, however, find abortion to be
contrary to libertarian principles and goals. According to Ron Paul, "Today, we are
seeing a piecemeal destruction of individual freedom. And in abortion, the statists have
found a most effective method of obliterating freedom: obliterating the individual."
1 Dr. Paul, an obstetrician and a member of Congress (R-TX), was the
Libertarian Party's candidate for President in 1988.
The Libertarian Party's "Statement of
Principles" itself defends "the right to life." In the past, the platform
has said, "Children are human beings and, as such, have all the rights of human
beings."2 Are children human beings prenatally? Despite
the fact that this is the pivotal question in the abortion debate, the platform is silent.
In response to such shortcomings, Libertarians
for Life (LFL) was formed in 1976. As is standard in libertarian discussion, LFL brings a
philosophical, rather than a religious or merely pragmatic, perspective to the abortion
debate.3 Being libertarian, LFL opposes the use of state power
to enforce policies or principles that cannot be supported on the grounds of defense
against aggressors. The state should not side with any aggressor at the expense of the
victim. If abortion is an evil that violates rights, then libertarians, of all people,
should not want the state to defend and protect the evil-doing.
Two tiers of human offspring?
The unalienable right not to be unjustly killed
applies equally to all human beings. Day One in a human being's life occurs at
fertilization that is high school biology. If pregnant women are human beings, why
not when they themselves were zygotes? A two-tiered legal policy on human offspring that
defines a superior class with rights, and an inferior class without rights, is not
In her 1963 article, "Man's Rights,"
Ayn Rand held a single-tier position. "There are no 'rights' of special groups,"
she said, "there are no 'rights of farmers, of workers, of businessmen, of employees,
of employers, of the old, of the young, of the unborn.' There are only the Rights of
Man rights possessed by every individual man and by all men as
Rand, whose philosophy of Objectivism helped
found today's libertarian movement, was, however, an impassioned abortion choicer. She
called "the unborn...the nonliving," and in the same breath said, "One may
argue about the later stages of a pregnancy, but the essential issue concerns only the
first three months."5 Elsewhere, she said "that a
human being's life begins at birth."6
Inequality under rights goes against the idea
of having rights. This inconsistency leads many to conclude that unwanted pregnancy must
be an insoluble clash between the unalienable rights of two people: the child's right not
to be killed and the woman's right to liberty. Some libertarian abortion choicers claim
there is a solution. They argue that no one has a right to impose unchosen obligations
upon others; therefore, even given prenatal humanity, abortion is a permissible escape
from slavery. They think Rand supports their view. "No man can have a right,"
she said, "to impose an unchosen obligation, an unrewarded duty or an involuntary
servitude on another man. There can be no such thing as 'the right to enslave'."
Still, Objectivism denies that child support is
slavery. In discussing born children, Nathaniel Branden, when he was Rand's closest
associate, wrote, "The key to understanding the nature of parental obligation lies in
the moral principle that human beings must assume responsibility for the consequences of
their actions." He did not explain exactly why we must. Yet he was correct to insist
that "the basic necessities of food, clothing, etc.," are the child's "by
Given this right of children, then the
"insoluble" clash is solved, and unwanted pregnancy is neither slavery nor
involuntary servitude. There may be a clash of needs between parent and child but
not a clash of rights.9 Given personhood, a human fetus has
the same right as every innocent person not to be attacked and killed. What is more, since
her parents owe her support and protection from harm, she has the right to reside in her
mother's womb and take nourishment there.
The non-aggression principle
The unalienable right to life, liberty, and
property is, essentially, only one: the right to be free from aggression. This right stems
from the obligation not to aggress against anyone; this right and this obligation are
opposite sides of the same coin.
Libertarianism does not address morality in
general. It addresses only one category of good versus evil: justice versus injustice,
non-aggression versus aggression. To violate another's rights is to be unjust.
Libertarianism's basic principle is the obligation not to violate rights. This
non-aggression principle is the foundation, the sine qua non, of a moral society.
We owe others non-aggression. People who commit murder, theft, kidnapping, rape, or fraud,
or fail to pay their just debts, are aggressors.
No matter the circumstances, no individual or
government may use the sword, except in fair responses to rights violations. Implicit in
the non-aggression principle is the right of defense. We have no obligation to allow
others to succeed in attacking us before we react. There is a related principle: no one
has a right to negligently or intentionally endanger the innocent and then allow the harm
to happen. If we endanger others without their consent, we incur a positive obligation to
prevent the harm. This might be called the non-endangerment principle: you endanger them
you protect them from the harm.
Non-aggression is an ongoing obligation: it is
never optional for anyone, even pregnant women. If the non-aggression obligation did not
apply, then earning money versus stealing it and consensual sex versus rape would be
morally indifferent behaviors.
The obligation not to aggress is pre-political
and pre-legal. It does not arise out of contract, agreement, or the law; rather, such
devices presuppose this obligation. The obligation would exist even in a state of nature.
This is because the obligation comes with our human nature, and we acquire this nature at
Each of us has this obligation regardless of
contrary personal opinions, consensus, or laws. We have it whether we wish to obey it or
not. We have it even when others are not able to defend themselves. This obligation can
neither be created nor destroyed. It is logically necessary to the concepts of liberty and
Nor should we confuse unalienable rights with
"legal rights." In an ideal world, legal rights would be concrete applications
of the unalienable right to be free from aggression. Unfortunately, legal rights
frequently are, instead, grants of special powers and privileges to some at the
expense of others.
The Declaration of Independence states that
governments derive "their just powers from the consent of the governed." This
assertion means that for government to derive a just power, the power must first reside in
the individual. If I consent, my lawyers can derive from me a just power to handle my bank
account. But they cannot derive from me a just power to handle my neighbor's bank
account, whether I consent or not.
If one does not have a just power, one cannot
give it to one's lawyer or to the government. The governed have no just power to aggress,
so they cannot give politicians a just power to aggress. Even if 10 billion individuals
told their politicians to aggress, the sum of their consents would still be zero. Making
an action legal does not make it a right under justice if it is inherently unjust.
Legalized aggression is still aggression.
Can the state be "neutral?"
Politically, if an action is not an aggression,
libertarian principles require non-intervention by the state; it should be neutral
on religion, for instance, or on the books we read.
Some people appeal to "neutrality" in
order to sidestep the question of prenatal rights in the abortion debate. Their contention
is that the "law should not get involved." There is a distinction, however: the
state can be "neutral" regarding only the desirability of an act, not the
right to perform the act. Obviously, the state is not neutral in practice when it
enables killing by legalizing it, subsidizing it, and giving it police protection.
Within its own boundaries, government cannot be
neutral on whether there is a right to commit any act; it must take sides. For
government to be neutral on whether there is a right to commit abortion, it would have to
sit on its hands and let both sides fight it out in the streets clearly an
untenable option. But even though taking sides in any rights dispute is inevitable, the
problem with abortion is that the government has refused to justify denying prenatal
personhood. Under an illusory "neutrality," the government is actively
protecting the killing of the child. Libertarian principles firmly oppose legalizing
aggression. When the state uses its coercive might to protect aggressors at the expense of
their victims, libertarians normally, and properly, object.
Begging the basic question
Abortion choicers often talk as if abortion is
something a pregnant woman does only to herself, as if abortion were a victimless-crime
debate. But the charge against abortion is that abortion is homicide, the killing of one
human being, or person, by another. Prenatal humanity is the pivotal question in abortion.
If abortion were a victimless crime, it should be legal. If it is homicide, then
what about the victim? The law must not treat any homicide as if no one were killed.
The most notable evasion of the homicide charge
was made by the United States Supreme Court on January 22, 1973. In two cases, Roe v.
Wade and Doe v. Bolton, seven of the nine justices on the Court legalized
abortion on demand until birth. To rationalize their decision, they inappropriately
invoked the right of privacy while sidestepping both the moral nature and the
rights of the prenatal child.
Writing for the seven, Justice Harry A.
Blackmun proclaimed, "We need not resolve the difficult question of when life
begins." His explanation for why not was unsatisfactory. He went on to explain:
"When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and
theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary at this point in the
development of man's knowledge is not in a position to speculate as to the answer."10
This admission of intellectual inadequacy on the main objection to
abortion homicide merely serves to prove that the judiciary had no good
reason to legalize abortion.
Even some respected constitutional legal
scholars who support abortion choice, such as John Hart Ely, were appalled by Roe.
In a 1973 article, he called Roe "frightening"11
and explained why he thought "it is not constitutional law and gives almost no
sense of an obligation to try to be."12
How should courts act when undecided on pivotal
questions affecting two parties and when they cannot avoid making a decision? Tossing a
coin will not do in such cases. Their only reasonable course is to weigh the possible
injuries that they would impose by a wrongful decision either way and then choose to avoid
the worst possibility. When a human being's life is on the block, a proper legal system
gives the benefit of the doubt to life. This is why even advocates of capital punishment
call for stringent proof. If individuals accused of felonies get the benefit of such
doubt, why not the beings in the womb?
What possible wrongful injuries should the Roe
Court have considered? The pregnant woman allegedly faces a partial and temporary loss of
liberty; her fetus, however, allegedly faces the total and permanent loss of life and
therefore liberty as well. The answer is obvious. The Court should have decided for life.
Instead, the Court wrote that "the unborn have never been recognized in the law as
persons in the whole sense."
Interestingly, lack of legal personhood is not
necessarily a disqualification for legal protection under current law. For example, eagles
and their eggs are not considered persons, yet they have legal protection. In Roe,
the Court went beyond a two-tiered view of humanity that perceives human fetuses as
inferior to human adults, for it saw human fetuses as also inferior to eagle fetuses.
But legal personhood is no protection when the
strong want to subjugate the weak. Many years ago, as Sir William Blackstone wrote,
"By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law, that is, the very being or
legal existence of the woman is suspended during marriage or at least is incorporated and
consolidated into that of the husband."13 What Roe
did was to suspend the very being and legal existence of the child during pregnancy.
Black people of African descent are called
"Persons" in Article I, Section 2 of the US Constitution, and they were referred
to as persons by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney in Dred Scott. But they were
"not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word 'citizen' in the
Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that
instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. On the
contrary," Taney wrote, "they were at that time considered as a subordinate and
inferior class of beings, who had been subjugated by the dominant race, and, whether
emancipated or not, yet remained subject to their authority, and had no rights or
privileges but such as those who held the power and the Government might choose to grant
In 1774, two years before he wrote the
Declaration, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The God, who gave us life, gave us liberty at
the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them."15
Jefferson understood that holding slaves was not right, yet he
held them. His position on abortion and when personhood begins may not be known, but his
words at least appear to affirm that our lives and rights co-exist.
Confronting the inherent contradiction between
freedom and slavery is The Law by Frédéric Bastiat, a Frenchman. Published in
1850, it is now basic libertarian reading. Bastiat asked, suppose a principle
"sometimes creates slavery and sometimes liberty?" He replied, "This
confusion of objective will slowly enfeeble the law and impair the constitution."16
He also wrote, "We hold from God the gift which includes all
others. This gift is life physical, intellectual, and moral life."17
Treating "personhood" as a legal
privilege is wrong. Unalienable rights presume personhood. Since unalienable rights are
pre-legal, so is personhood.18 Personhood is a natural
metaphysical fact, not an arbitrary legal artifact. In the end, Roe left the door
open to further hearing of when personhood begins, but the Court would rather not come to
grips with it. Later, it rejected two cases on when one's life begins that were brought by
the fathers of aborted children.19
If the Court could have shown that abortion is
not homicide, it would have done so. And that would have resolved the debate, at least for
libertarians. Libertarians support the right to privacy. But homicide, the killing of one
human being by another, is not a private matter. It is not a simple matter of choice. If
it were, then "rights" would mean that the weak have no rights, and
libertarianism and the very idea of rights would be meaningless.
Biologically, when does life begin?
Why do people say, "Children come into the
world at birth," sounding as if storks bring them? Obstetricians know that at
conception the woman has already reproduced, that they now have not one but two patients
to consider: mother and child. Since a pregnant woman is in the world, her womb is in the
world, and so is the fetus in her womb; she has been in the world since Day One
conception. The media reported a case where one twin was born October 15, 1994, and his
sister, January 18, 1995.20 What their different birthdays
will mark is only the dates each exited the womb.
When does the human being begin life at
least in simple biological terms? Unless abortion and related issues are raised, people
generally know that their own lives had a neat beginning at conception.
A human being's growth is a continuum: from
zygote, to embryo, to fetus, to newborn, to adult. Such terms do not indicate a series of
discrete entities; they are merely useful labels for pointing to different stages of the
development of the self-same individual. A frog is not the descendant of the tadpole; frog
and tadpole are one and the same animal. The infant does not descend from the fetus;
infant and fetus are one and the same individual.
There is a sharp distinction between before and
after conception. A gamete, a sperm or an ovum, is a radically different kind of
thing from the zygote that results when the sperm penetrates the ovum. By itself, no sperm
or ovum has the power to mature into an adult. Gametes that do not unite end up as dead
gametes. Those that do unite cease to exist; what exists then is a radically different
kind of entity.
Fertilized ova, zygotes, have the power to
mature into adults. Still, it is difficult to think that the zygote inside one's mother
was "me." But by playing one's life in reverse, as if in a movie, getting
younger day by day until we reach Day One, we find no way to identify any day when we were
essentially different from the day before until conception. The moment before,
there was no "me." If a different sperm of my father had fused with my mother's
ovum, it would not have been me but someone else, a boy perhaps.
Dr. Edmund A. Opitz observed: "Nobel
laureate and geneticist Francis Crick has estimated that the amount of information
contained in the chromosomes of a single fertilized human egg is equivalent to about a
thousand printed volumes of books, each as large as a volume of the Encyclopaedia
Britannica." Dr. Opitz added, "What does this mite of human life accomplish
during these first 20 weeks? Our little genius, beginning as a fertilized egg, operating
in cramped quarters, poor light and with unlikely materials, takes less than five months
to manufacture a brain, plus a few minor organs. Not bad for a beginner?"21
Philosophy: When does personhood begin?
Life, personhood, and rights are separate and
distinct subjects. In ordinary conversation, "life," "human life," and
"human being" can be used interchangeably with "person" without
difficulty. However, when abortion is at issue, they are not necessarily synonymous.
Sometimes they are meant in a biological sense, at other times philosophically, and still
other times, there is a switching back and forth, often without recognizing there has been
a change in meaning.
Biology, a life science, does not delve into
either personhood or rights. An inquiry regarding when personhood begins and,
therefore, when rights begin must turn from biology to philosophy. In philosophy, a
more precise label for entities with rights is not "human being" but
"person." Libertarian principles do not define "person"; they simply
take personhood as a given.
How should we define "person"? A
definition that is accepted even by many abortion proponents, especially among
libertarians, is that a "person" is an animal with the capacity for reason and
choice. This capacity, this rational nature, is what establishes us as beings with the
obligation not to aggress.
Given this definition, the argument is: 1)
animals with the capacity for reason and choice are persons; 2) human zygotes are animals
with that capacity; 3) therefore human zygotes are persons.
Many would respond: Nice syllogism, but in
reality, it's impossible for human zygotes to have the capacity for reason and choice.
Such skeptics apparently are using one meaning of "capacity" and are failing to
notice it has two meanings: 1) root capacity for functioning (a thing's already existing
nature, which is there from the beginning of its existence), and 2) active capacity,
actual functioning (a right-now demonstration of the root capacity). The meaning of
"capacity" relevant to the syllogism and sufficient for human zygotes to
be persons is 1) root capacity.
Another fact about the nature of personhood can
help show why root capacity works, so let's digress to consider it.
Personhood: Developmental or a constant?
Since the human body is a thing that develops
and grows, many people assume that therefore, so does personhood. The fact is, however,
personhood is not developmental; it's a constant.
If personhood were developmental, then the
right not to be killed (commonly called the right to life) would have to be developmental,
too. But how can this right be developmental? Think of it this way: A human being cannot
be partially killed and partially not killed. To be a person is to have the right not to
be killed. This right cannot be put on a scale of degrees; it is an either/or, just as
alive or dead is an either/or.
A "developmental" approach to
personhood makes no sense. If the so-called "potential person" may be killed at
whim, it is simply a non-person. If it is a person, we may not choose to kill it on a
whim. A potential, partial, or lesser individual right not to be killed that can be set
aside is, in effect, a non-right. A being is a person or not; there is no in-between
moral, or even logical, class of beings.
In Roe, however, the Court assumed that
there is another category of human offspring: "potential life," which lies
somewhere between "non-person" and "person." In the Court's view, with
the increasing physical development of human beings comes an increasing moral standing
and, therefore, an increasing level of rights, until at some point in our development, we
acquire "full rights."
Since human beings do not mature until
adulthood, why not permit infanticide? Apparently seeking a time to start applying the
brakes, Blackmun wrote, "With respect to the State's important and legitimate
interest in potential life, the 'compelling' point is at viability. This is so because the
fetus then presumably has the capability of meaningful life outside the mother's
womb."22 But what is meaningful? By whose standard? In
ordinary language, "viable" means "capable of living or developing in
normal or favorable situations." To abortionists, "viable" requires
survivability under hostile conditions. Either way, what does viability have to do with
what an entity is, or with the right not to be killed? The principle the Court advanced
here is that if you need help, you can be killed, but if you can manage, you cannot be
touched. Under viability, the more a child needs the womb, the less right
she has to stay there.
Moreover, viability is not a stable point.
Since Roe, the age at which prematurely born children survive in incubators has
been lowered. As Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote, "The Roe framework, then,
is clearly on a collision course with itself."23 Given
current medical technology, we can talk of viability at both ends of prenatal development.
Zygotes in petri dishes and embryos in cold-storage are clearly living outside the
mother's womb. Indeed, if artificial wombs are eventually perfected, many children might
not ever reside in a woman's body.
Blackmun mixed technological medical problems
with philosophical ones. Viability is not a test of personhood; it is a test of the level
of medical technology and of the competence of medical personnel. The fact that they lack
the ability to maintain a life does not give them or anyone else a right to take that
life. Their inability is irrelevant to whether another's death is a homicide
or not.
Libertarian law professor Richard A. Epstein
called the Court's stand on viability "astonishing," pointing out that Roe
placed no meaningful barrier against abortion even after viability.24
"...[T]he Court holds that the
state is entitled, but not required, to protect its, the unborn child's, interest. The
reason for the entitlement is that the fetus is now capable of an independent life outside
the mother. But the problem is, why should not the claims of the fetus [between viability
and birth] be sufficiently strong to require, and not merely to permit, the state to
intervene for its protection? After the Court expressed such firm views on the proper
balance [between the claims of the woman against those of the fetus] until the onset of
viability, it gave no explanation why the state must be allowed to make its own choice
after that time."25
Two meanings of "capacity"
Let us return to "the capacity for reason
and choice." Abortion choicers often insist that "capacity" refers only to
the second meaning given above to the ability to demonstrate reason and choice
right now. If this were its only meaning, then what about people generally recognized as
persons, such as people who are profoundly retarded, people in coma, stroke victims, and
the senile? They might not be able to reason or choose at a given moment. In fact, under
such a definition, we all have grounds to worry if we sleep too soundly.
Most abortion choicers probably oppose equating
fetuses with comatose and retarded humans. "[W]e all agree that they [retarded
humans] are persons and we cannot justifiably kill them," the Association of
Libertarian Feminists took care to say.26
Everyone begins life "mentally
incompetent." But if life-long "mentally incompetent" humans are persons,
why not humans whose incompetence is temporary? Immaturity is no libertarian test for
rights. The Libertarian Party platform states: "Individual rights should not be
denied [or] abridged...on the basis of...age."27 It has
also opposed "government discrimination directed at any...artificially defined
sub-category of human beings."28
True, in one sense, capacity means a power that
can be demonstrated right now. In another sense, however, capacity means a power that
needs time to "warm up" or be "repaired." Think of a computer program.
It might have to undergo 167 steps before it can perform the task it was designed for.
Still, we say this program has the capacity to function right from the beginning.
Capacity can refer to a being's natural,
underlying power to actualize reason and choice. When a talent is undeveloped, it is still
an actual talent. More strongly, even when one's capacity for reason and choice is
undeveloped, one still has an actual capacity, an actual power. Human beings begin life
with the capacity to actualize reason and choice; this capacity is in our genes. To kill
human beings early in life is to destroy their capacity for reason and choice as well as
their lives.
However much we change during life, our
rational nature, our personhood, is a constant. Such a position is Aristotelian. Consider
what Ayn Rand, an admirer of Aristotle, saw fit to quote approvingly when reviewing John
Herman Randall's book on him. Once again, it shows what views Rand held when not
addressing abortion:
"Objecting to 'the...[view that]
"anything may be followed by anything,'" Professor Randall writes: 'To such a
view...Aristotle answers, No! Every process involves the operation of determinate powers.
There is nothing that can become anything else whatsoever. A thing can become only what it
has the specific power to become, only what it already is, in a sense, potentially. And a
thing can be understood only as that kind of thing that has that kind of a specific power;
while the process can be understood only as the operation, the actualization, the
functioning of the powers of its subject or bearer.' "29
Making judgments and free choices are
activities of persons. If only the present capability to do these things counted,
then personhood would be, in the words of one abortion choicer, "a state humans grow
into, perhaps months or even a few years after birth."30
Most abortion choicers, however, are not willing to admit even the mere possibility that
choice on infanticide is a logical consequence of their argument.
No sperm or ovum can grow up and debate
abortion; they are not "programmed" to do so. What sets the person aside
from the non-person is the root capacity for reason and choice. If this capacity is
not in a being's nature, the being cannot develop it. We had this capacity on Day One,
because it came with our human nature.
In other words, to be an actual person, human
beings need do nothing but be alive. We were all very much alive at conception. One-celled
human beings are not "potential persons"; they are persons with
potential. When do human beings become persons? The answer is, human beings do not
become persons; human beings simply are persons from Day One.31
Abortion choicers are divided on personhood
Planned Parenthood which runs the
largest chain of abortion clinics in the country made a public confession of its
ignorance on personhood in a full-page ad it ran in 1988. The headline read, "Nine
Reasons Why Abortions Are Legal." Only the third reason raised the question of when
personhood begins. "On this question," it said, echoing Roe, "there
is a tremendous spectrum of religious, philosophical, scientific and medical opinion. It's
been argued for centuries."32 And it has been argued
vigorously among abortion choicers.
To Harvard law professor Laurence H. Tribe,
"...as pregnancy progresses, the fetus's value becomes ever harder to deny. To most
of us, the more the fetus is like a baby, the more we must admit that the moral picture
reveals two beings. Even someone who is strongly pro-choice but who has seen an ultrasound
picture of a fetus may be offended by any suggestion that only one human life is at
Moreover, "Libertarians have quibbled
endlessly over the question of when the fetus actually becomes capable of rationality and
therefore a person," wrote the Association of Libertarian Feminists. "The fact
that there is no exact biological point of change that can be ascertained has presented a
slippery problem for those who base their moral case [for abortion] on biological or even
psychological criteria."34
Nor does the slippery slope necessarily end at
birth. "In fact," wrote Winston L. Duke, "there is little evidence that
termination of an infant's life in the first few months following extraction from the womb
could be looked upon as murder. Recent studies suggest that cognitive development does not
begin until the age of nine months."35
And in 1963, Planned Parenthood itself said,
"Abortion requires an operation. It kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It
is dangerous to your life and health."36
If abortion choicers could disprove that
abortion is homicide to the satisfaction of their side at least would they
not advertise instead, "Nine Reasons Why Abortion Is Not Homicide?" They do not,
because they lack even one good reason.
Who should decide?
Abortion choicers try to get around the
intellectual chaos on their side by saying, "Let the woman decide." If one is
free to decide whether another is a person, then whoever is strongest will do the
deciding, and we all had better be thinking about our own prospects.
Besides, treating personhood as a matter of
personal opinion can lead to strange results. Imagine two pregnant women debating prenatal
personhood. One says that her fetus was a person at conception. The other says hers will
not be a person until birth. Both fetuses were conceived the same day. As the women
debate, a drunk driver hits them, killing both fetuses. What wrong has the driver
committed? If it is a mother's choice whether her fetus is a person, then to be
consistent, we would have to say that the death of one fetus is a homicide but the death
of the other is only, say, destruction of property. This is absurd, of course, for the two
fetuses were, objectively, the same kind of being when alive.
When unwanted, she is a fetus; if wanted,
suddenly she is a baby or child. Ms. magazine, for example, referred to the fetus
as a baby at least twenty times in a one and one-half page article.37
A woman who miscarried does not say she lost her fetus. She says, "I lost my
child," or "I lost my baby." A libertarian who supports abortion missed a
meeting because of what he called "a death in the family." His wife had
miscarried at five months.
What about the woman's right to liberty?
To John Hart Ely and Laurence Tribe, "The
point of Roe v. Wade was not that the Supreme Court had too little 'scientific'
information about when life began or what a fetus was, but rather that the
Government...could not override the rights of the pregnant woman." They added,
"It was a question of rights, not an issue of biology or a matter of definition that Roe
Is prenatal homicide defensible on the level of
rights? Only if childhood dependency is a capital offense against innocent parents, or if
parents have an unalienable right to abandon their children and let them die.
Before considering why the child has the right
to be in her mother's womb, let us examine what one abortion choicer39
asserts is "the best philosophical defense of the pro-choice position." It is
philosophy professor Judith Jarvis Thomson's famous article, "A Defense of
Abortion," written in 1971, two years before Roe.40
The kind of argument Thomson made is invoked by many abortion choicers, including
Calling an unwanted fetus an "unborn
person" (for argument's sake only), Thomson attempts to prove the fetus an aggressor
and her mother a victim. In the most famous part of her article, Thomson analogizes
unwanted pregnancy to the case of a violinist with a life-endangering kidney problem. To
save his life, his friends hook him up to a sleeping stranger, who clearly had not
volunteered to be used as a dialysis machine. It is the stranger's right to decline to be
a good Samaritan. If the stranger unplugs the violinist, who then dies, Thomson argues, it
is not the stranger's fault. Similarly, Thomson argues, so do pregnant women have a right
to unplug their children.
Her argument fails for various reasons, the
most dramatic being that it is not a defense of abortion as it actually happens.42
As Thomson herself recognizes, there is no right to secure the
violinist's death, to slit his throat. The aborted child is not merely
"unhooked" and allowed to die.
But does Thomson succeed in defending mere
removal of the child, where death results from lack of sustenance? She wishes us to see
abortion as essentially passive, as merely a refusal to aid the child. Assuming it were
passive, would the mother's refusal to aid her child be aggression or not?
Thomson has critics on the abortion choice
side. One is Richard A. Posner, a legal scholar and a judge of the US Court of Appeals. He
"Thomson is right that we don't
force people to donate kidneys to strangers, or even to family members. But normally the
potential donor is not responsible for the condition that he is asked to alleviate, in the
way that a woman (unless she has been raped) is responsible, although only in part, for
the fact that she is pregnant. The difference in evidentiary difficulty between asking who
hit X and asking who failed to save X is a strong practical reason against liability for
failing to be a good Samaritan. So although bystanders are not required to rescue persons
in distress, someone who creates the danger, even if nontortiously, may be required to
attempt rescue, and perhaps that is the proper analogy to the pregnant woman who wants to
terminate her pregnancy."
Posner is on the right track in noticing that
the pregnant woman is not a mere bystander who may choose to save or not save an
endangered person. Since she is a cause of the child's predicament, then presumably the
woman does have a duty to protect her child from harm. Once again, the duty to protect
people we endanger is the foundation of parental obligation.
Unfortunately, Posner then changes the topic
radically by talking, as Thomson did, about rescuing people that one did not endanger:
"Moreover, since tort law may
require someone who begins a rescue, even if under no legal duty to make the attempt, to
see it through to completion with all due care, abortion could be compared to the case
where, having agreed to donate a kidney, you change your mind on the operating table and
if you are permitted to withdraw at that late date the intended recipient will die. Of
course the woman does not, by virtue of agreeing to intercourse, agree to become pregnant.
But perhaps we should ask whether she took reasonable measures to minimize the risk of
pregnancy whether, in other words, she was careless in permitting herself to become
pregnant; for someone who tortiously endangers another has a clear legal duty to aid the
endangered person."43
If Posner had discussed the obligation not to
tortiously endanger another in the first place, he might have remained on track. Instead,
he strayed to further topics, leading him to conclude, "All this is a great
muddle...it does not provide a sure footing for judicial decisions."44
Among the points he raised that can be set
aside is his rescue model. Rescue is irrelevant, because presumably the rescuer was a
witness, not the one who caused the need for rescue.
Another is agreement, which raises such
questions as: "Who agreed and who did not, and to what?" Even if the father and
the mother agreed to conceive a child and succeeded in doing so, a third party is
affected: the child. Where is the child's agreement? In agreements between parents
regarding children, the child should be a third party beneficiary, not a victim. An
agreement has no standing against someone affected by the results of the agreement but who
did not consent to it. The parties to an agreement cannot waive the non-aggression right
of non-consenting people. Newly conceived children are not parties to any agreement. They
certainly could not have been prior to conception.
Thomson failed to raise, let alone answer,
critical questions. For example, what if it were the stranger's fault that the violinist
needs life support? Actually, Thomson's violinist analogy serves as a good example of the
concept of chutzpah. One illustration of this Yiddish term is a mugger who shouts,
"Help! Help!" as he beats up his victim.45 Contrary
to Thomson, the zygote is not an attacker.
Defending the child's rights
When a child is conceived, the child is
helpless. This can put the needs of parent and child in serious conflict. But it does not
put their rights to be free from aggression in conflict. But what about the mother's needs
in such difficult circumstances as, for example, when her life is in danger? This issue is
a "life-boat" problem. In such situations, everyone's life is at risk, but none
of them is at fault. Because nobody has a right to attack the innocent, nobody
caught in a dire circumstance has a right to attack any of the others. The mother's right
to self-preservation does not turn her child into a mere "thing" that she may
destroy at will. The doctor's goal should be to save both patients, mother and child, but
they can only do the possible. The goal of premature deliveries is to help both. The goal
of an abortion, however, is a dead fetus.
In any event, hard cases should not obscure
fundamental issues. If abortion per se were not aggression, then hard cases would
not raise the issue of rights. How we deal with others and their rights when we are in
grave difficulties is a true test of whether we hold a one- or a two-tiered view of
What abortion choicers are saying is that in
any pregnancy, the woman's liberty is paramount. However, liberty is not paramount. Life
and liberty are equal rights; both are merely forms of the same basic right: the right to
be free from aggression.
Because most abortion choicers recoil at a
"right" to a dead fetus, they prefer to use euphemisms for abortion, such as
"pro-choice," "pregnancy termination," and "reproductive
rights." Interestingly, some libertarian abortion choicers insist they favor only an
"eviction" abortion: the child is removed intact and alive; if she does not
survive, that is too bad. Some try to deal with conflicting needs by noting the common
understanding of the non-aggression principle: Although we may not aggress against one
another, we have no positive obligation under rights to help one another.
The eviction argument, however, overlooks at
least two important distinctions: 1) killing versus letting die, and 2) who is causally
Killing versus letting die
Letting die at least does not shut off the
possibility of survival, however theoretical and remote this possibility might be. For
example, in hysterotomy abortions (which are similar to Caesarian deliveries), children
have emerged alive.
In the real world, however, the evictionist's
position gives only lip service to the moral distinction between intentional killing and
letting die, and those who give such service are playing let's pretend with somebody
else's life. Most abortions are intentionally destructive, not simple "letting
die" procedures. Abortions do not merely place children in grave danger of death. In
fact, the entire point of abortion is intentional destruction of the fetus.
In theory, we could enact a law that limits
abortion to intact removal. On the surface, such a law would seem to reflect the
non-aggression principle. When the cord is cut at birth, the parents can passively abandon
their child by walking away. Eviction, however, is not passive; it is an active
intervention against the child. Both attack and negligence can be forms of aggression.
Nonetheless, the heart of the eviction argument
must still be addressed. What if the mother could leave right after conception as easily
as the father? With in vitro fertilization, everyone can walk off without anyone
attacking the child. If they do walk off, they put the child, of course, in harm's way.
Have parents a right to leave children unattended in hazardous situations? If their
children die, is that simply regrettable, like famine victims dying because no one gave
them assistance? For parents, as regards obligations, is there no difference between their
own children and the children of strangers?
To abandon one's child in the petri dish is
similar to putting her on board one's airplane and then jumping out, leaving her on the
plane to crash, and doing all this without the child's consent. Perhaps a stranger with a
suitable womb will happen by who is willing and able to adopt her. However, what if this
does not happen?
Interestingly, even most abortion choicers
consider gross neglect and outright abandonment to be criminal behavior. When children
have medical emergencies in the middle of the night, most parents do not go back to sleep
saying, "So what if my child might die? I have the right to control my own body,
don't I?"
It is true that the means a woman must
use to mother her child before birth are quite different from the means she uses after
birth. But what difference does it make, in principle, whether her child is in the
crib or in her womb? When she nurses her infant or carries her in her arms, she is using
the same body she used to carry that same child to term.
As even most abortion choicers know, parent and
good Samaritan are not analogous roles. Parents owe their immature children support and
protection from harm. Why are they obligated? Did we have the right before birth to
be in our mother's womb?
Causation: Who is mugging whom?
A child's creation and presence in the womb are
caused by biological forces independent of and beyond the control of the child; they are
brought into play by the acts of the parents. The cause-and-effect relationship between
heterosexual intercourse and pregnancy is well-known. The child did not cause the
situation. The parents are the causative agents of both the pregnancy and their child's
Who among us could have chosen not to begin
life, or not to inhabit our mother's body when conceived? Inhabiting the mother's body is
a direct byproduct of the parents' volitional act, not the child's. What the prenatal
child does, she does by necessity. This necessity is also a direct byproduct of the
parents' volitional act.
No one survives without certain necessities of
life and very immature children cannot obtain them without outside help. Childhood
dependency is a fact of nature, like the liquidity of water. Abortion choicers know that
the stork does not drop children on our heads. Yet, many insist, parents are not
responsible for "accidental" pregnancies. This assertion raises two meanings of
"responsible for": 1) being the source or cause of a consequence, and 2) being
accountable to others for the consequence, owing them.
One cause of the child's existence, the union
of a sperm and ovum, is natural. But it is dependent upon an antecedent cause, the human
action that enables the two cells to come together. Nature does not do its part without
human action. What parents cause to be is not just a child but a child with needs; it is a
package deal. A child would not be in need of sustenance and in need of help if she did
not exist.
The stork did not do it. The fact of parental
agency refutes any assertion that the child is a trespasser, a parasite, or an aggressor
of any sort.
Since a prenatal child is where she is because
of her parents' actions, she can be said to be acting as her parents' agent which
places her alleged "guilt" squarely on her parents' heads. We might even say
that the mother aggressed against herself, except that, by definition, harming others can
be aggression; harming onself is not.
To conceive and then abort one's child
even by mere eviction is to turn conception into a deadly trap for the child. It is
to set her up in a vulnerable position that is virtually certain to lead to her death.
Conception followed by eviction from the womb could be compared to capturing someone,
placing her on one's airplane, and then shoving her out in mid-flight without a parachute.
The child in the womb is like a captive; she is in the situation involuntarily, and she
cannot fend for herself. A captive is not trespassing on the captor's property, by
definition. (Evicting or abandoning one's child cannot be regarded as releasing her from
captivity, because this does not terminate childhood inability.)
When abortion choicers liken the parent to the
good Samaritan, they talk as if feeding one's own children is charity. It is a kindness to
give charity, because nobody has an obligation under unalienable rights to do so. Giving
to charity is a matter of choice, by definition. A good Samaritan is not a causative agent
of another's need for support; good Samaritans are chance bystanders. In procreation,
parents are not chance bystanders; they are active, cooperative participants, even when
children are conceived in vitro. Conception and pregnancy is a common and
foreseeable risk of even careful sex.
Under libertarian principles, parents have the
same negative obligation towards their children that they have to strangers:
non-aggression. The question is whether it follows that even given that parents are
responsible for (caused) their child's existence, are the parents also responsible
(accountable) for her support? Some abortion choicers claim that when parents let their
child starve to death, they have not violated any positive right of the child and
committed aggression. They are mistaken.
The non-endangerment principle
Basically, non-aggression is a negative
obligation, like do not commit robbery. If we commit robbery, we owe the victim
restitution and compensation. But we can also incur positive obligations even if we have
not done harm. For example, a contract is not an initiation of force, yet by merely
signing the contract, each party to it now owes each other performance. There is no
aggression until and unless a participant fails to perform.
Parental obligation does not arise out of
contract, tort, the mere fact of conception, or out of the biological relationship of
parent to child. It arises because the parents voluntarily (even if they did not intend
it) gave themselves a life-or-death control over their child. To withhold their support is
to endanger the child. Parents owe support because they have no right to use their control
to cause danger and then let the harm happen.
The two central aspects to conception that are
relevant to rights are: 1) It is voluntary on the parents' part, and not on the child's;
the situation is imposed on the child. 2) The parents' life-or-death control over the
child is total; it is they who have established and control the entire situation. If the
child dies due to their withholding or withdrawal of life support, they have not merely
let her die; they have killed her.
There is a distinction between risky behavior
and threats of harm. Life is a series of risks, and things do happen. We could compare
parental obligation to lighting a barbecue in our backyard. Normally, lighting the fire
presents only risks inherent in any controlled fire. But if the fire begins to spread to
our neighbor's property, it now presents a threat of harm, and we caused the danger. If
their property catches fire, we caused the harm as well as danger; we have initiated
force. Since we may not initiate force, we may not threaten others with harm and then let
the harm befall them.
Therefore, although the non-endangerment
principle is essentially negative, it contains a positive obligation proviso: if we
endanger innocent people without their consent, we must protect them from the harm because
of our obligation not to aggress.
The child's right to be in the mother's womb
Some abortion choicers say that life is a gift
to the child by the parents, a gift that does not bind the parents. A "gift,"
however, implies the option to refuse to take it, and beginning life is not an option for
the child. Her life is thrust upon her, as is her need for life support and her inability
to fend for herself. Conception does not make a child worse off (or better off) than
before, because the child does not pre-exist conception. But she is created vulnerable to
The parent-child relationship is unique as a
situation; it is the only relationship that begins when one side causes the other side to
exist. But parental obligation is not unique as an obligation the obligation to act
justly towards others is a universal, rather than a special, obligation.
Parental obligation is simply a concrete
example of the obligation to not aggress. By taking care of their child in the womb, the
parents prevent an aggression that would happen if they were, instead, to tear her away
from the life support she gets there.
The nature of childhood and growing maturity
indicate a built-in boundary: when the child can fend for herself, the parents have
fulfilled their obligation to her. Thereafter, things are in her hands.
Once again, however, in the case of
procreation, the parents' power over children begins as being total. Therefore, if through
their negligence or intent harm results to the child (because of the child's loss or lack
of sustenance), then as a matter of practical fact, the parents have caused the harm.
Thus, parental obligation does not stem from harm done; it stems from our obligation to
avoid causing the innocent to be harmed.
Furthermore, threats of harm can be considered,
in themselves, as forms of aggression. The kind and degree of prevention that is owed,
however, depends upon the kind and degree of threat that is imposed. When we drive a car,
at the minimum, we must stay alert and drive carefully. When people drive drunk, we have
no obligation to wait until they hit someone before we take them off the road. Even before
things happen, the obligation to drive responsibility is there. In this case, the
essentially negative obligation that drivers have requires them to take positive
preventative steps.
Conception is not, in itself, endangerment or a
threat of harm; it is a normal, natural fact of life. Pregnancy automatically protects the
child against the possible dangers of an unsupportive environment. Yet by conceiving a
child, parents give themselves a life-or-death power over her, and they get this control
without her consent. Children are "captives" of their parents.
If parents willfully use their powers as
"captor" to put their child in harm's way (not feeding her, for example), they
caused the danger without her consent. If the child is harmed (starves to death), they
also willfully caused the harm without her consent. Even simple eviction from the womb
initiates force and violates the child's rights (in most abortions, however, the child is
first dismembered, or poisoned, then evicted).
Many men want abortion legal because it enables
them to escape their responsibilities to help support their children. Thanks to our human
nature, all of us are quick to hold others accountable for their actions, while none of us
wants to be held accountable for our own. But "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
Happiness" does not mean that we may escape our obligations by killing our creditors.
Rather than abortion protecting parents from
slavery, it imposes slavery upon children. It forces children to be more than good
Samaritans; it requires them to die to serve another's purpose. The right to control one's
own body, however, prohibits the choice to kill or abandon one's child. For the prenatal
child, the mother's womb is home; this is where she needs to be and this is
where she has the right to be.
- Ron Paul, "Being Pro-Life
Necessary to Defend Liberty," LFL Reports: #1, (1981).
- Children's Rights plank,
Libertarian Party Platform, 1994. (Plank deleted in 1996.)
- Some Libertarians for Life
associates are religious; others are not. The writer is a Jewish atheist. Originally an
abortion choicer, she changed sides in 1976. It was at the 1976 Libertarian Party
convention that she conceived of LFL.
- Ayn Rand, "Man's
Rights," The Objectivist Newsletter, co-edited and published by Ayn Rand and
Nathaniel Branden, vol. 2, #4 (April 1963), p. 13.
- "A Last Survey," Ayn
Rand Letter, IV, November-December 1975, p. 383.
- "The Age of
Mediocrity," The Objectivist Forum, June 1981, p. 3.
- Rand, "Man's Rights,"
p. 14.
- Nathaniel Branden, "What
are the respective obligations of parents to children, and children to parents?", The
Objectivist Newsletter, December 1962, vol. 1, #12, p. 55.
- Congressional Record,
88th Cong., November 28, 1979, pp. E5825-E5826.
- Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113,
159 (1973).
- "The Wages of Crying Wolf:
A Comment on Roe v. Wade," The Yale Law Journal 82 (1973), p. 935.
- Ibid., p. 947.
- Commentaries on the Common
Law, published between 1765-1769, quoted in Joan Kennedy Taylor, Reclaiming the
Mainstream: Individualist Feminism Rediscovered, (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1992), p.
- "Dred Scott v.
Sandford: March 6, 1857," Landmark Decisions of the United States Supreme
Court II, Maureen Harrison and Steve Gilbert, eds., Landmark Decisions Series 1992, p.
- "Summary View of the
Rights of British America," The Portable Thomas Jefferson (New York: Penguin,
1977), p. 21.
- Frédéric Bastiat, The Law
(pamphlet), Dean Russell, trans. (The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., 1987), p.
- Ibid., p. 5.
- Nadine Strossen, president of
the American Civil Liberties Union, told Judge Robert Bork that we don't need the Ninth
Amendment and the Constitution to have rights; we have rights by virtue of being human
beings. (American Enterprise Institute Conference, C-Span 2, October 12, 1993.) I asked
her, if having rights is pre-Constitutional, then why not our personhood, from which our
rights flow? She only noted that here we disagree. (Private conversation, Women's Freedom
Network Conference, American University, October 2, 1994.)
- One was J.M. v. Individually
V.C., et al., October 1993. The other was New Jersey v. Alexander Loce,
February 1994. Libertarians for Life was a signatory to amicus briefs of the
University Faculty for Life in both cases.
- The Washington Times,
January 19, 1995, p. A9.
- Edmund A. Opitz, Letter to the
editor, Insight, April 3, 1989, p. 4.
- Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113,
163 (1973).
- City of Akron v. Akron
Center for Reproductive Health, Inc., 462 US Reports 416 at 458, December 15, 1983.
- The Court said in Roe
(410 US 113, 163) that "for the stage subsequent to viability the State...may, if it
chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where it is necessary, in
appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the
mother." In Doe (410 US 179, 192), the Court defined "health" to
include "all factors physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the
woman's age relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors may relate
to health. This allows the attending physician the room he needs to make his best medical
judgment. And it is room that operates for the benefit, not the disadvantage, of the
pregnant woman."
- Richard A. Epstein,
"Substantive Due Process by Any Other Name: The Abortion Cases," in Philip B.
Kurland, et al., The Supreme Court Review, 1973 (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1974), p. 184.
- Sharon Presley and Robert
Cooke, "The Right to Abortion: A Libertarian Defense," Association of
Libertarian Feminists Discussion Paper, 1979, p. 3.
- Discrimination plank,
Libertarian Party Platform, 1994.
- Children's Rights plank,
Libertarian Party Platform, 1994. (Plank deleted in 1996.)
- "Books," The
Objectivist Newsletter, May 1963, p. 18. Rand differed, however, with Aristotle on
"essence." She thought of it as "epistemological," whereas Aristotle
thought of it as "metaphysical."
- Tom Flynn, "The Future of
Abortion," Free Inquiry (Fall 1989), pp. 44-46. Flynn suggested that a
pro-infanticide position would help withstand attacks against abortion, and that
abortion-choicers would do well "to follow [their] rational line [of thinking]
wherever it leads" meaning euthanasia also.
- See also John Walker, "Abortion and the Question of the Person,"
and "Power and Act," both available from Libertarians for
Life; and Stephen Schwarz, The Moral Question of Abortion, chapters 1-7 (Chicago:
Loyola University Press, 1990).
- "Nine Reasons Why
Abortions Are Legal," Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., The
Washington Post, October 6, 1988.
- Laurence H. Tribe, Abortion:
The Clash of Absolutes (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1990), p. 138.
- Presley and Cooke, "The
Right to Abortion: A Libertarian Defense," p. 4
- Winston L. Duke, "The New
Biology," Reason, August 1972, p. 9. In endnote 26, Duke cited Jerome Kagan,
"Do Infants Think?", Scientific American, March 1972.
- Quoted in Madalyn Murray
O'Hair, "Who Decides?", American Atheist, July 1989, p. 26.
- Doug Hennessy and Martha
Reilly, "Fetal Attraction: High-tech Tests for High-risk Pregnancies," Ms.,
November 198, pp. 22, 24.
- John Hart Ely and Laurence H.
Tribe, "Let There Be Life," The New York Times, March 17, 1981, p. A17.
- Laurie Zoloth-Dorfman,
responding to Paul Savoy, "The Coming New Debate On Abortion," Tikkun,
Sept./Oct. 1993, p. 32.
- Judith Jarvis Thomson's "A
Defense of Abortion," originally published in Philosophy and Public Affairs 47
(1971), reprinted in a collection of her essays, Rights, Restitution, and Risk
Essays in Moral Theory, William Parent, ed. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1986), pp. 1-19.
- See Tribe. Murray Rothbard also
defended abortion as ejection in For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto (New
York: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1978), p. 108.
- See Doris Gordon, "Abortion and Thomson's Violinist: Unplugging a Bad
Analogy," Libertarians for Life, 1993.
- Richard A. Posner, The
Problems of Jurisprudence (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990), p. 350
(footnotes omitted).
- Ibid., p. 351.
- Leo Rosten, The Joys of
Yiddish (Pocket Books, April 1977), p. 93.